sea-buckthorn is the fruit of a shrub, whose name comes from the synthetic "ippos", which is the horse, and "faes" which means glow.
According to historical records, in the time of Alexander the Great it was used as food for the army and as a booster for wounded people and animals. However, there are reports of the use of hippophaes in both Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic practices.
sea-buckthorn (hippophaes rhamnoides) is a versatile plant that is included in superfoods.
The fruit is like small grapes and orange in color. Its leaves are green
and oblong. Characteristic are the thorns that it carries at each end but also along with the shoots.
You will often hear that hippophaes is a superfood, and not by chance. Its nutritional value is very high, due to the over 190 nutrients it contains.
The nutritional composition of ippofaes is different depending on the part that has been cultivated & amp; the altitude.
This particular Hippophaes is our cultivation in a pure area at the foot of Pindos, (Konitsa, Ioannina), away from the city or street pollutants.
Its rich composition in polyunsaturated fatty acids is an element that makes ippofaes a special fruit, as it is a valuable source of omega 3, 6 and 7 fatty acids (linoleic acid, alpha-linoleic acid, palmitoleic acid, palmitic acid).
According to studies, hippophaes fruit is an excellent source of fiber. It contains vitamins E and C, while the fruits contain B-complex vitamins, such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, biotin and folic acid.
It is a source of b-sitosterol and flavonoids.
Ippofaes is a valuable source of procyanides, and contains carotenoids, such as zeaxanthin, lutein and b-carotene.
Due to its wide composition in nutrients, it was considered a fruit with strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-cancer properties.
According to some studies, taking ippofaes can have significant cardiovascular benefits, which is attributed to the flavonoids it contains. Studies have shown that taking ippofaes reduces platelet aggregation in healthy individuals, thus preventing atherosclerosis, while it has been shown to improve cardiovascular function in people with ischemic heart disease. Some studies have shown that it has a positive effect on blood lipids even in people with hyperlipidemia. Specifically, taking ippofaes reduced the levels of total and "bad" LDL cholesterol, reduced the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, while it seemed to have a positive effect on the levels of triglycerides and HDL cholesterol.
sea-buckthorn is a rich source of omega 6 and 7 fatty acids, which are elements of the skin and are believed to help heal wounds and regenerate skin from burns.
According to some studies, taking hippophaes helps reduce the intensity of the symptoms of atopic dermatitis (eczema).
Gastroprotection and sea-buckthorn
Studies have shown that ippofaes helps protect the gastrointestinal tract, reduce recurrences and reflux and especially protect and prevent ulcers. Its action is due to the reduction of stomach acidity, its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its ability to reduce gastric emptying time.
Treatment of Crohn's disease.
Taking sea-buckthorn can also reduce the chances of infecting the gastrointestinal tract, mainly through its antimicrobial activity and inhibition of certain pathogenic microorganisms, such as certain Gram-bacteria.
Antidiabetic properties of sea-buckthorn
As sea-buckthorn is a source of carbohydrates, its intake increases serum glucose levels. However, due to its fiber content, many studies have shown that it delays the rise in blood glucose levels and reduces insulin requirements, thus improving the glycemic response and glycemic control even in people with diabetes.
Does sea-buckthorn have anti-cancer properties?
Studies in experimental animals have shown that taking juice with hippophaes can reduce the incidence and growth of tumors. In addition, some preliminary studies have shown that hippophaes oil protects cells and DNA from the toxicity of chemotherapy and radiation, mainly due to the flavonoids it contains.
sea-buckthorn and eyesight
Preventive action against eye diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
Helps with dry eye which is significantly affected by the intake of linoleic and γ-linolenic acid as well as omega 3 fatty acids in general. Studies have shown that due to its rich composition in fatty acids, antioxidants, carotenoids and vitamin E, hippophaes oil can reduce eye inflammation and improve dry eyes, especially in cold seasons.
Antioxidant protection and immune boosting
As a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin E, it offers strong antioxidant protection. The intake of hippophaes leaves appeared to have immunomodulatory properties. In particular, it inhibits the action of free radicals and increases the production of molecules that enhance the action of the immune system (IL-2, γ-interferon).
Are there any contraindications or side effects?
sea-buckthornis safe and non-toxic.