Grape seed oil
Give natural collagen to your skin!
Packaging: 50ml
Use: external & internal (drinking).
If you feel your skin is dull, dull, damaged and dehydrated, while wrinkles have begun to appear… Trust Staphylococcus oil! It is extremely rich in linoleic and γ-linoleic acid, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It has strong moisturizing, antiseptic, regenerative and anti-aging properties and is ideal for all skin types even for the very mature and damaged.
Enhances the production of natural collagen, tones and tightens the skin as it nourishes and rebuilds its cells, giving a feeling of silky softness.
Due to its delicate texture and high penetration, it is an ideal carrier for use in aromatherapy massage.
It comes from the compression of grape seeds. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
These properties, along with the high amounts of fatty acids, omega-6 and vitamin E contained in grape seed oil, make it unique to the skin.
Grapefruit oil is suitable for your skin due to its many healing properties.
It also contains many antioxidants that can fight free radicals, while keeping the skin glowing and hydrated. It is ideal if you have oily or dry skin.
Another reason to choose it over other vegetable oils is that it is light and not as greasy as the others.
In what ways can grape seed oil benefit your skin?
As a moisturizer for the skin. Grape seed oil is nice and light and will leave your skin smooth and soft.
It is ideal for sensitive skin. Many people with sensitive skin can not use regular moisturizers or lotions as they are full of ingredients that can cause itching or even inflammation. .
It will tighten your skin. This oil provides natural astringent properties, which results in toning and tightening the skin.
Rejuvenates oily skin. Experts say that oily skin is caused by overproduction of oil, sebum. By using grape seed oil, you provide your skin with the food it needs and help balance your oily skin.
Moisturizes your scalp. Using this oil will not only soften your hair, but will discourage the production of the fungus that causes dandruff.
Reduces wrinkles and scars. Have you ever noticed how many creams and lotions you find in stores use grape seed oil as a base? This is because the oil is light with many beneficial properties. Contains vitamin D and antioxidants that will help reduce fine lines and wrinkles over time.
Cures and prevents acne. Acne is a problematic skin condition that can cause scarring over time. The polyphenols contained in the oil have anti-inflammatory properties helping to heal problem areas of the skin, while the astringent properties of the oil fight the bacteria that cause acne.
Prevents and reduces stretch marks. There are a variety of causes for stretch marks, such as rejuvenation during adolescence, sudden weight loss, pregnancy. When the skin changes quickly, it can cause connective tissue to rupture. This results in a surface layer of long red lines. These lines eventually turn white. They are unsightly and, if left untreated, can only improve slightly over time. It is generally accepted that treatment should be started during pregnancy and several weeks after the birth of a child. Applying grapefruit oil to the skin helps to reduce any unsightly stretch marks caused by growth or sudden weight loss.
Reduces dark circles under the eyes.
Dark circles can make your face look dull, lifeless and tired. Grape seed oil is safe for the eye area and is much better than many commercial eye products. It is completely natural and does not cause any eye irritation.
Heals old or recent scars. The faster the better, but it can also offer healing properties to scars that have been created for years, so that they slowly weaken.
How to use grape seed oil on the skin:
Wash your face at least twice a day.
Apply about three drops of oil on your face.
Gently use your fingers to rub the oil.
Rub the oil gently with your fingers.
Apply the oil every time you wash your face.
Use the oil on the face, head, hair or body.
If you have a specific problem area, add an extra drop of oil to that area: under the eyes, dry elbows or knees, chin, etc.